Thursday, September 24, 2009

Naps and Dirt

You'd never guess it by looking at these pictures of Ezra, but I think he could be a runner-up for the "World's Worst Napper" Award. With the change in routine and Ella heading off to preschool, though, I'm beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Later morning and afternoon naps seem to now equal longer naps. Please let this continue!

He never used to fall asleep nursing, but it's a new night-time habit he's picked up (too exhausted from fighting naps all day, I guess). I knew he'd wake up before being transferred to his bed, so I had Tim grab the camera and snap these photos of our sweet little sleepy-head.

My next big project is to break him of waking up at 5 am to nurse. I can't believe I'm still doing this, and wouldn't have with Ella, but he is so stubborn. I am gradually trying to ease him into waiting longer and longer. Ella would have given in and gone back to sleep at this age, but this guy is determined. I just have to hang in there - he can make it until 6:30 or 7!

We've been steadily working on eradicating our backyard of weeds (and unwanted plants) and planting grass this summer. We accomplished this in two areas, but had two to go. Our kind neighbor was gracious enough to take out some large unsightly shrubs dividing our properties, then Tim dedicated himself to the very difficult job of removing the stumps. We worked together to prepare this area, as well as a spot in front of our patio, for grass on Saturday.

Ella and her delightful friends, Truman and Eleanor, had a blast playing in the dirt before we planted grass.

1 comment:

Catherine Anne said...

Love it here. What a beautiful family~